Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Letterform_3 Designers/ 9 images

Hans Neuburg

Design printed on one page, the layout and the gap between the extended red splits the page into two sections. Three different font colors. The graphic on the right side draws the reader to the right page first. Simple grid design, but the side ways text and the red and white bars adds a little more of a stylized piece.
 Similar design to first design, use of small text, color schemes, bars with white text inside. The bars divides the pages into columns and also frames the inner text. Best example is the bottom left image.

Logo for a hotel? A nice elegant yet very detailed illustration of a hotel. Love the colors in this, good use of the lines, especially in the mountains. The mountains are visible yet doesn't detract from the background.  

1. http://www.monoscope.com/2010/02/paul_schuitema_exhibition_cata.html 
2. http://www.flickr.com/photos/yearofthesheep/2429388511/
3. http://grainedit.com/category/off-our-book-shelves/page/11/

                                                                               Emil Ruder
Simple and modern looking Solid bold text, accompanied by a large shape in one solid color. The object which looks like a key extends beyond the page. An very appealing and attractive design. Well organized and looks 
balanced.... magic of grid use??

The grid looks to be of the fibonacci sequence. Very clever and elegant design. The main focus is the graphics but the cluster of text on the bottom stands out well enough to spark interest in reading it. 
“From TM 4 1959: Emil Ruder’s article on taking inspiration from nature and incorporating this rhtythm into typographic composition.”

Poster design. Love the play with text. The large shapes at the top looks like the number ten and is within a grid pattern that continues downward to incorporate the red text. Everything is connected together.   

1. http://www.aisleone.net/2009/design/80-magazine/ 
2. http://www.designers-books.com/?p=1003 
3. http://www.aisleone.net/2010/design/emil-ruder-posters/ 

                                                    Joseph Muller Brockmann 

First saw this poster in the class slide show presentation. The text really stood out to me against the black background, and the overlapping of the main text really drew me in. The red text also brought attention to the smaller text. Clever design with warm and cool colors.

 The image is very strong and beautiful. Obviously this is the main centerpiece of the poster. The text only includes a title and a short description. I usually don't like rainbow colored design, but there is so much value and deep shadows in the curves. Very appealing.

Interesting poster concept.. Wish I could understand the text. I don't know what the connection is with the D.... or is it two posters in one???! Either way I really like the pink side. I like how the text wraps around the D becoming the light, and creating depth in the shape.

1. http://visualcommunication.tumblr.com/post/325422481/swiss-style-the-international-typographic-style 
2. http://labellevie.tumblr.com/post/160872967/josef-muller-brockmann 
3. http://grainedit.com/2009/03/11/jorg-hamburger/

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